Database Project Contribution
Job Distribution Michael: Create the controller for JavaFX, Transaction and query implementation in Java, ERD, Documentation Karen: Connecting SQL to Java, Design UI using JavaFX with Scene Builder, ERD, Documentation Vania: Create a database in SQL, Concept and database design, ERD, Documentation My role in this project is as the main programmer. After Karen find out how to connect java to the MySQL server, I started to program the back end of the project. I also design the UI with Karen using JavaFX Scene Builder and later on use the FXML file to create the controller where I can start writing the logic, code, queries, and SQL transactions in java.…
Database Project Proposal
Group Members: Angeline Karen – 2440035601 Michael Christopher – 2440047362 Vania Natalie – 2440032423 Introduction The business that our group chooses to design and implement a database management system is a supermarket business. We have created a database management system to manage various databases in the supermarket including their inventory, suppliers, staff, memberships, and transactions. The reason why we create this management system is to make the transaction in the supermarket easier and more organized. The supermarket we are working with is called the “Owl Market”. It is a small supermarket with currently one active manager and some cashiers working on the supermarket. The manager asked us to create a…
Database Project User Manual
When the program is first launched, they will be greeted with a login page where they need to input a proper username and password to be able to continue, but before that, they also need to choose their roles as either manager or cashier. If a manager logs in, they will be greeted with this view with various buttons that lead to another database so this is the dashboard where a manager can organize databases. For example, if the inventory button is clicked, they will be greeted with this dashboard where they can insert, update, and delete data on the inventory table shown. There will also be error handling to…